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Dorothée Arnold :
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Aidan Marc Dodson et Dyan Hilton :
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Marianne Eaton-Krauss :
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Hans Goedicke :
– Studies in the instructions of King Amenemeht I for his sons, Varia Aegyptiaca, Van Siclen Books, San Antonio, 1988.
Georges Goyon :
– Nouvelles Inscriptions Rupestres du Ouâdi Hammamât, Éditeur inconnu, Paris 1957.
Wolfram Grajetzki :
– The Middle Kingdom of Ancient Egypt : History,Archaeology and Society, Duckworth, London, 2006.
– Court Officials of the Egyptian Middle Kingdom, Duckworth, London, 2009.
Karl Jansen-Winklen :
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Miriam Lichtheim :
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Joyce Anne Tyldesley,
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Dietrich Wildung :
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– Sesostris und Amenemhet : Ägypten in Mittleren Reich, Hirmer, München, Décembre 1984.